1980s Productions

Full Length Productions

1989 Hobson’s Choice by Harold Brighouse, directed by Mary Poirier

1988 Death Trap by Ira Levin, directed by  Geraldine Greene

1987 And Ms Reardon Drinks a Little by Paul Zindel, directed by Geraldine Greene

1986 As Long as They’re Happy by Vernon Sylvaine, directed by  Blaíthín Ní Bhric

1985 Brush with a Body by Maurice McLoughlin, directed by  Blaíthín Ní Bhric

1984 Whose Life is it Anyway by Brian Clarke, directed by John Finn

1983 Kate Plays Her Part by Brian Drumm, directed by Sonia Schorman

1982 The Curious Savage by John Patrick, directed by  Blaíthín Ní Bhric

1981 Sharon’s Grave by JB Keane, directed by Michael Corley

1980 The Ruling Class by Peter Barnes, directed by Jimmy Cooney