

1.          The society shall be known as the ‘Ennis Players

2.          The objects of the society shall be:

a)          The promoting and fostering of an interest in drama in the Local Community.

b)          To provide social Amenity for its members.

c)          The performance of Plays, Theatre Events, Mime and any other dramatic productions.

3.          The officers of the Society shall consist of the Chairman, The Secretary, The Treasurer and The Public Relations Officer.

4.          The affairs of the Society shall be administered by a general committee, which shall consist of the Officers, as defined in Rule 3 and 6 other members of the Society. The committee shall have the power to administer the affairs of the Society (e.g. hire contractors, purchase equipment etc.) in any manner it deems appropriate, including the setting up of a sub-committee.

5.          The business and affairs of the Society, (with the exception of amending of the constitution), shall be transacted by the General Committee. Voting shall be by a majority of those present and the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

6.          The General committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may arise in its membership during its year of office.

7.          The Officers and members of the General committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by Ballot. If insufficient members are present to allow full election of a Committee, the elected Committee Members shall have the power to co-opt additional members.

8.          The committee shall meet monthly during the active season and at such other times as required to conduct the business of the group, six members shall constitute a Quorum, two of which at least shall be officers. The Chairman of any Sub-committee shall be appointed by the General Committee.

9.          The Annual General Meeting shall be held in June of each year. One further General Meeting will be held, after the autumn production and prior to the spring production. A minimum of 14 days notice must be given to all members of such meetings.

10.       Any committee Member missing three consecutive Meetings, without prior notification of a valid reason to the Chairman or Secretary shall automatically be deemed to resign from the Committee.

11.       The Annual Subscription shall be set at the Annual General Meeting. Renewal of Subscriptions is due immediately on commencement of the Season but not later than October 31st of each year. Any member whose subscription is not paid shall not be eligible to participate in any production. New members are welcome at any time, but must pay their subscription before taking an active role in any production. Only paid up members are entitled to present themselves as a Candidate, or propose a Candidate for any position and shall be entitled to vote at a General Meeting.

12.       Membership of the group is open to anyone over the age of 18, under-age participation in a production will be at the discretion of the committee..

13.       The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year before September 29th to receive the Annual reports from the Secretary and Treasurer, to elect Officers and Committee Members as defined in the Rules and to transact any remaining business of the Society.

14.       The accounts of the Society shall be reviewed each year prior to the AGM, by a member (other than the Treasurer) appointed by the AGM the previous year.


15.       A Special General Meeting shall be called upon the signed request of not less than six members of the Society specifying the reasons for calling such a general Meeting, which requisition shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Society.


Such Special General Meeting may be called at the discretion of the Chairman.

Such Special General Meeting shall be held within four weeks of receipt of the Requisition by the Secretary and fourteen days notice must be given to all Members of the business to be brought forward at that special General Meeting.

16.       Should a Member of the Society conduct himself or herself in such a way that in the opinion of the General Committee brings the Society into disrepute the General Committee shall call for an explanation, and, if they think fit, remove such Member from Membership forthwith. There will be no obligation on the Society to refund a Member his or her subscription in the event of this expulsion.

17.       No alteration of the Constitution shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting summoned for that purpose, by a majority of two thirds of those present. All other decisions at the Annual General Meeting by simple majority.

18.       Notice of Motion for any General Meeting must be handed to the Secretary of the Society at least one calendar month before the date of the General Meeting.

19.       The constitution shall be printed and a copy supplied to members by the secretary immediately on that member joining the Society.

20.       On acceptance of Membership each member is bound to obey the Rules and is subject to the Penalty for transgression outlined above.



Rev. 1                      Dated: September 1999